Egypt Equine Aid

Law Reform

Time to take action on Egypt's laws

There is presently an opportunity in Egypt to further develop its animal welfare laws, aligning these laws with Egypt’s long-term social and economic development goals. Egypt has an opportunity to be a leader in its region, an opportunity that we wholeheartedly support, which we see as benefiting the people and animals of Egypt, and Egypt’s reputation on the world stage.


The Present Egypt Law

In 2014, Egypt took the significant step of amending its Constitution, introducing Article 45:

“The state shall … preserve plant, animal and fish resources and protect those under the threat of extinction and danger, and guarantee humane treatment of animals, all according to the law.“

Egypt’s Agriculture Law (1966) focuses mainly on agricultural animals and contains basic measures to protect against abuse. However, there is no comprehensive regulation that explicitly guarantees the welfare of all animals.

Lastly, the Egyptian Penal Code (articles 355 and 375) includes criminal penalties for deliberately killing or poisoning some animals (a riding animal, a carrying or a towing beast, any other type of livestock or tame animals), but doesn’t specify prohibitions, animal suffer through failure to act.

Looking to the future

Egypt is an ambitious country, with significant regional influence and stewardship. The amendment of the Constitution was a significant step for Egypt and represents its willingness to embrace international best practices.

To further enhance Egypt’s laws, we consider that more detailed and specific animal welfare laws and regulations should be passed, including protecting pets or street animals and providing clear definitions of mistreatment.

These laws should reflect Sharia law and be appropriate for Egypt, reflecting its customs, culture and religion.

We are presently working on an animal law project, designed to assist Egypt in passing such a law that would afford its animals the protections guaranteed to them under Islam, based on mercy, charity and kindness to animals.

Right now horses and donkeys are enduring terrible suffering. Please help EEA put an end to this.

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