Egypt Equine Aid

Rescued Horses

Rescuing Egypt’s working horses

At Egypt Equine Aid, we provide a safe haven for horses and donkeys we rescue or get surrendered to us from severe neglect and abuse. Our dedicated team of veterinarians and caregivers offer essential medical treatment, nourishment, and love to restore these horses to health. At our farm, each horse receives care, from wound treatment to rehabilitation exercises, ensuring they regain their strength and spirit.

Rebuilding trust and strength

Rescued horses often arrive at our farm traumatised and in dire condition. Through gentle handling, proper nutrition, and consistent veterinary care, we help them rebuild their trust in humans. Our farm provides a structured environment where horses can recover at their own pace, preparing them for a future filled with hope with a permanent stay at our sanctuary.

Each horse we rescue faces a long road to recovery. Our farm provides the necessary care, but we need your help to continue this work. By donating, you ensure these horses receive the treatment and support they need to survive and thrive. Support their recovery by contributing to our farm’s needs. Our ultimate goal is to see them thrive and continue to live out their lives at our farm, surrounded by care and compassion.

Help EEA save more horses

Each horse and donkey we rescue comes to us with a story of hardship and pain. At our farm, we provide the essential care and love they need to heal, but the journey is long and challenging. These animals require dedicated medical treatment, proper nutrition, and a safe environment to recover and regain their strength. Your support is crucial in helping us continue this vital work.

There are many ways to help. By donating, you can directly contribute to their ongoing care and rehabilitation. Support us, together, we can give these working equines of Egypt the opportunity to not just survive, but truly thrive.

Right now horses and donkeys are enduring terrible suffering. Please help EEA put an end to this.

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