Egypt Equine Aid

Success Stories

Something positive

The healing treatments at Egypt Equine Aid have assisted numerous horses and donkeys in their recovery.

EEA success story manuka boy

Manuka Boy

Manuka Boy presented at our clinic with a severe laceration last year while Jill Barton, our founder & CEO, was in Australia. The vets sutured the wound but by the time Jill returned to Egypt a few days later, the sutures had become infected. The horse was on systemic antibiotics but the wound had broken open and the prognosis became poor.

As luck would have it, Jill had returned to Egypt with 12 litres of antibacterial manuka honey donated by Manukalife. It was applied to Manuka Boy’s wound every day for the next 5 weeks.

Manuka Boy made a full recovery and returned home. An amazing outcome for this beautiful horse.

Help us care for more horses like Manuka Boy


Holly was one of the first horses we rescued in Egypt.

When we found her, she was sick, distraught, and had been overworked almost to the point of death. She had been dreadfully abused by her owner and had large wounds all over her body.

Fortunately, she was eventually brought to us. Within weeks, her wounds were healing and she started gaining weight.

Her sweet and gentle nature emerged and she began the long process of learning to trust humans again. Holly is now happy, safe loved and has become one of Egypt’s first-ever live-in therapy horses at Behman hospital.

Thankfully, it’s hard to recognise that she’s the same horse we found so many years ago!

holly was treated by EEA vet hospital

Right now horses and donkeys are enduring terrible suffering. Please help EEA put an end to this.

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